


Health & Wellness

More than 2000 springs are discovered in the territory of Georgia, which were used by the local population for a long time. It is considered that mineral waters cure different diseases faster than medicines. The influence of mineral waters is more increased if it is accompanied by an air of mountains, sun rails and the greenery around. 


The spa town of Borjomi, 150 km (93 miles) west of Tbilisi, developed by Tsar Nicholas in the 19th century as a spa town, produces much-acclaimed mineral water. It is possible to hike in the surrounding hills. 


Resort Tskhaltubo is located in the west of Georgia, in the ravine of the river “Tskhaltubo”, in 7km from Kutaisi, in 250 km from the capital city of Georgia - Tbilisi and in 70 km from the Black sea. The resort is located at 95-120 m above the sea level. Mineral water of Tskhaltubo has become a symbol of a healthy life for a long time. That is why such a unique gift of nature is called "Water of Immortality". The healing properties of Tskhaltubo waters are famous from ancient times. Nowadays modern medical equipment gives us a possibility to improve treatment results. 


Don’t miss a chance to visit Tbilisi sulphur baths which are located in domed, oriental-style 19th-century bath places just north of the Metekhi Bridge. Currently very popular place, Georgian sulfur baths were also frequently visited by famous Russian writers such as Pushkin and Tolstoy. 


Intrigued? Great! The names you should put on your map are as follow Kvareli (for wine spa), Borjomi, Tskaltubo, Sairme and Likani (for various kinds of mineral water treatments). Don’t forget to visit Tbilisi sulfur baths, as you travel to the Georgian capital!